There are many different causes of numbness and tingling in your body. Chiropractic care and Acupuncture can help alleviate many conditions that cause numbness and tingling. The key is finding the cause of your nerve irritation not just masking the symptoms.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic or Acupuncture here at Advanced Sports and Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture will begin by determining the cause of your numbness and tingling by obtaining an accurate health history and by performing a detailed physical exam. There will also be orthopedic and neurologic testing done to determine what precise nerve or nerves are affected. If needed certain evaluations such as an MRI, CT scan, or a nerve conduction velocity studies may even be ordered to determine the cause or extent of your condition. If you are seeking Acupuncture, your pulses, eyes, skin, and tongue will also be evaluated for imbalances in your Qi’.

After your complete exam your doctor at ASFCA will determine if your condition will respond well to care. A care plan will then be development that will aim to eliminate irritation and restore proper functioning of the nerves in the affected area, for your specific condition. This care plan, in addition to chiropractic and acupuncture, may also include muscle stimulation (or inferential current) to decrease muscle spasms, cryotherapy to reduce inflammation, and rehabilitation to stabilize muscles/ligaments of the affected area. Nutritional and lifestyle consulting will address any metabolic issues that may be causing your symptoms. Acupuncture may also be used to address painful conditions and/or Qi’ imbalances.

Most cases of numbness and tingling respond very well to Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments. In some instances, other interventions may be needed for your condition in which your doctor at ASFCA will continue to work closely with other specialist to help resolve your condition.

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