You do NOT have to live with the pain... Dr. OZ strongly suggests Chiropractic care for back pain

86% of American's have back pain some time in their life. Unfortunately so many people think that they must just deal with it every day. They feel that having back is normal and something "everyone" gets. 75 million American's saw Chiropractors last year. So the understanding and popularity of Chiropractic is growing. American's are turning more and more away from taking medications for pain as the Opiod crisis grows.

Lower Back Pain isn’t uncommon and anyone that has encountered this pain can tell you that it affects almost every aspect of your day. Lower back pain is the #1 cause of disability for people over the age of 50. It can cost you a lot of money intime away from work, money spent on medical doctors, dangerous pain medications that don’t fix anything, spinal injections which the FDA has put out warnings against, and even surgeries. So with all these dead end treatment options, there is hope. There IS treatment that has a 95% satisfaction rate. That treatment is Chiropractic care.

For back pain, some patient's try a quick fix. Pain pills seem to be an easy answer but with all the news reports about Opiate pain medication addiction – far too many dangerous consequences are involved. Over the counter pain medications can sometimes take the edge off. So is it hopeless? NO, There IS a better, safer way!

A recent study in 2017 published by the Journal of the American Medical Association found that Chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for six weeks or less produced significant improvements in patient function and decreased levels of pain. The study determined that chiropractic is a safe, effective, and drug-free approach for Lower Back Pain.

Even the American College of Physicians (ACP) has officially published guidelines for Lower Back Pain supporting CHIROPRACTIC as the first choice for patients with both acute and chronic Lower Back Pain. In fact, the first approach that many patient's "try" to rid themselves is medication. Medication, according to the ACP, are the least affection option for long term Lower Back Pain relief, yet the most common prescribed. Seems backwards doesn’t it?

So in case you were wondering what your medical doctor thinks of chiropractic care, Medical doctors have officially recognized that Chiropractic is the first choice for care of Lower Back Pain. But not all chiropractors are the same, matter of fact there are many techniques in the Chiropractic Profession. Our doctors at McMillen Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center have over 33 years of experience in treating a wide variety and causes of lower back pain.

We have an elite TEAM of doctors who provide many, safe alternatives of care for you. Chiropractic care, acupuncture, strength and conditioning exercises, nutritional counseling, muscle stimluation, spinal disc decompression therapy to name just a few.

We take the time to listen and carefully understand the source of your Lower Back Pain. Then find out what the CAUSE of your pain is. Then pick which treatment protocol would work best for you. To find out what is causing your pain call our office at (33) 724-2225 and we can see you right away!

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