The knee joint undergoes a lot of stress and strain day in and day out. Over time the accumulation of these tresses and strains on the knee cacth up to you. This leads to the knee joint breaking down and this causes the supportive structures of the knee (ligaments and tendons) to become injured. This leads to chronic pain, and a variety of functional knee problems. Unofortunately so many people just start popping pills to get through the day. Although these pills may temporarilly relieve pain, they do have some long term serious side effects. Most of these types of pain relieving medications casue damage to the kidneys, yet not fixing the underlying cause of the pain. Our doctors are trained to evaluate what the cause of your underlying knee pain is. Then we have a variety of excellent treatment options to relieve your pain. If knee pain is limiting your daily activties and causing a labored walk. If that pain is making it difficult to walk on hard floors, do yard work and other daily functions, then call our office to schedule an appointment with one of doctors who can evaluate what type of care would be best for you. WE will give you the best treatment options and discuss them with you up front.

Most Commonly used treatments used

  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Knee strengtening exercises
  • Nutritional advise to help with healing and swelling
  • Joint mobilization techniques

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